Sunday, November 15, 2009

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

I Still Need A Little Help Sometimes

I really love to lay on my girl's bed but I still need help getting up on it like I did when I was younger. My family likes their new wood floors but they are slippery for me sometimes. I can't get enough traction to jump without slipping. Luckily my girl will help me up.

I try to give her my pitiful face so she will always help me.

Aw......finally I made it up.
Oh she comes with some strange things to put on me.
I don't know what it is!!!
Ear muffs !!!!!!!!!!!
A spider headband with a vail and some black netting !!!!!! eek!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am so happy that my mom and dad still have carpet in their room (so far) and I can jump on their bed any time I want too. Even in the middle of the night with a big toy in my mouth ready to play.