The last two days it has been rainy and cold here. Today there was even thunder and lightening. I didn't like that thunder at all and I let it know (barking is one of the things I do best). But most of the day I just sleep (another thing I am really good at). I don't get to nap in dad's chair very often..........but he's at work so it's all mine.
This picture is so embarrassing I don't even know what to say. I can't believe my mom took this picture of me . This is not my best side. I usually sit like this in the chair before I get comfortable....I'm not sure why.....but now the world knows............thanks mom.
I got groomed today for the first time (I have been there to have my nails trimmed...but that's all). Mom usually gives me a bath but she thinks I am getting too big. The truth is mom did not want to leave me at the groomers. She made them put me in a run (I don't like kennels anymore) while I was waiting to be groomed. She is kinda weird like that. She wanted to take a picture of me there but when I was going in I had my brakes on and I guess it didn't look too good. When I was coming out I was in a hurry to leave so she couldn't get one then either. I was so happy to see my mom and my boy.
I got a new monkey stuffie yesterday (I know...Christmas just got over but my girl got it for me for Valentine's Day..... but she said she couldn't wait to give it to me). I really love it but I wish my mom had taken the picture yesterday. Because today it doesn't look so good. I kind of ripped one of its arms a little. My mom couldn't believe how long I sat still and posed for the pictures. I am usually running with my stuffie in my mouth and squeaking it at the same time or just trying to tear it apart. My family thinks I am wild and crazy sometimes.
My name is Lexi. I am a Golden Retriever and I was born February 19, 2009. I live with my mom, dad, girl and boy in California. I enjoy sleeping, eating, barking and playing with my family. I think my favorite color is pink because almost all of the toys my family gets for me are I must love it!
Another little sneak peak....
In which we find raccoon prints on the trail...
I took the lead after that, as the undergrowth in the forest was quite
thick and full of brambles. Harlo...
Healthy Eating is a Family Affair with the Dogs
Maintaining a balanced and healthy lifestyle is my goal as a mom of two
girls and three Golden Retrievers. Setting up healthy eating habits early
is key an...
Again, it has been Too Long!!!
Hello Y'all to our Pals! Can't believe we've been so remiss about posting.
We have missed our friends here and are going to try again to begin
blogging ...
*In 48 hours, I finally meet my long-standing blogging friend - Mimi!*
*This has been an adventure - years in the making.*
Hey everypawdy! Sorry we have been really busy and left this site to rot,
like literally. A lot have happen in our household. Well kind of? We are
sad to a...
Warm greetings to all our friends and cheers to 2014.
A quick glimpse of 2013.....and a hope for more blog time in the upcoming
year...we mi...
No College Degree? I beg to differ...
Recently, there was this horrible video shared on the news:
There are so many things wrong about this I don't ev...
R.I.P Mango
Our sweet friend MANGO crossed the bridge today. He will be missed by many
pups and humans. Our love goes to his very loving and caring mommy! We
are a...
Biggie Puggle Dog in the City!
Did you guys see the puggle on Dogs in the City? Cool. Thanks Biggie for
representin' the puggles! Hope your diet works. Be healthy. Hang with the
posse so...!
I had the opportunity to try out and let me tell you it is
awesome!! They have EVERYTHING! The prices are right AND they deliver it
for free
Letter to Ruby
We have had close to 200 messages, emails, cards and comments this past
week from people sharing their sadness over Ruby's passing. Many have
shared their ...
It's my birthday!
Today is my 12-year old birthday! It has been a really fun day.
Mom said I couldn't have a new birthday party hat today, because she spent
too much mone...
THANK YOU from me and mom - Our last post here!
Dear friends,
This is our last blog entry.
Mom and I’ll stop blogging.
Don’t worry, all is OK with us and we love blogland!
It’s just because Mom needs to ta...
Well Hello!
It's been awhile! We are so thankful for everyones' prayers and love! Mommy
and I did take a break for awhile and are not very sure when we will be
back, w...
Special Announcement
Hi Everyone,
Since our last posting on the news of Brind’Amour, we have received so many
comments, notes, and emails, and just wanted to thank all of you w...
Hiya Buddies! I'm back..
I've been really busy and mommy had no time to post up any pictures.. Her
IGCSEs are coming up.. Trials first.. ...
Thinking of you, Honey
*Remembering one year ago. Our hearts are heavy.**Though you left in body,
your gentle spirit remains with us.*
*A super trooper, almost 14 years young, acc...
Lazy Days of Summer and Bugs
Well, it feels like summer has finally arrived. Still getting a lot of
rain, bugs, and mud. Did I mention bugs! OMG they are soooo bad. I hear Mom